How To Communicate With Your Higher Self

  • Watch the video
  • Practice the technique 
  • Use whenever you want some guidance!
  • Remember - "practice makes perfect"

Book Of The Month

"Outwitting The Devil"

Napoleon Hill, popular author of "Think & Grow Rich" wrote this book back in the 1930s.

Due to the unorthodox content contained within it, he withheld it from the public until 2011!

The book is basically a manual for discerning the "ego self" from what he called... "The Other Self."

The other self is synonymous with what we call, "the higher self."

The book is  fascinating and I have gone through it  many times, picking up seeds of wisdom each time.

I highly recommend the audio version because it has 2 different narrators and they do a great job of bringing this book to life.

Click Here To Get This Book